- Information on the transfer of obligations concerning the registration, transfer, recognition, application and cancellation of guarantees of origin for electricity from renewable energy sources and energy produced by high-efficiency co-generation.
- Sample minutes of general assembly meeting (electricity distribution)
- Sample minutes of general assembly meeting (RES and CHP)
- Request forms for issuing a certificate of origin for electricity
- Mandatory reporting of electricity producers
- Submission of price (tariff) proposals by electricity producers from RES and CHP
- Sample terms and conditions for the supply of electricity in the provision of universal service of electricity supply for households
- Sample terms and conditions for the supply of electricity in the provision of universal service for small enterprises
- Percentage assessments of the share of the supply of usable heat in the annual heat production for the preceding calendar year
according to Section 3 (11) of Act No. 309/2009 Coll. on the promotion of renewable energy sources and high-efficiency co-generation and Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic No. 15/2016 Coll. establishing the method for calculating the annual production of heat in the generation of electricity.