Basic information
The Regulatory Board is URSO‘s body providing strategic direction and the concept of regulation in the network industries. According to the Regulatory Act (Act No 250/2012 Coll.), the Regulatory Board consists of six members.
Powers of the Regulatory Board include:
- adopting regulatory policy, including its amendments,
- adjudicating on appeals against first instance decisions taken by URSO in a tariff or non-tariff or extraordinary regulation procedure, except for decisions on fine imposition,
- electing a candidate for appointment as the Regulatory Board chairman from among its members,
- proposing, to the President of the Slovak Republic, a candidate for appointment as the Regulatory Board chairman and proposing to dismiss the chairman,
- electing the Regulatory Board vice-chairman from among its members,
- approval of:
- draft agreements on mutual cooperation with regulatory authorities of EU Member States,
- the Regulatory Board‘s rules of procedure,
- the report on URSO‘s activities,
- establishment of URSO‘s offices outside its seat,
- URSO‘s annual accounts.
- commenting on draft general binding legislation issued by URSO